Monday, March 19, 2012

Rodeo Austin 2012

JP gave me the absolute best Christmas present back in December...season tickets to the Austin rodeo. The rodeo runs for two weeks in and we are halfway through. Here are our rodeo highlights so far:

  • The kids went to their first rodeo and concert and loved it. They got to go three times this past week. I think the best part for them was the cotton candy (which we learned we HAD to save until the concert to make it all the way through).
  • Elizabeth loved Kidstown with the petting zoo and ponies to ride AND wearing her new cowboy boots as often as she could.
  • Trace did Mutton Bustin' on Saturday and did awesome! (THAT WAS YOUR VIDEO QUIZ FROM YESTERDAY).  He didn't win the buckle, but he got a huge trophy. He was so proud of himself. He just walked around holding his trophy begging for people to notice...and they did and he said, "Like 1,000 people love me!" I found him the next morning in his underoos with his night-night and his trophy. His response to my what in the world look was, "I just love it!"
  • I absolutely love the rodeo events, but after seeing one of the cowboys get seriously injured one night when a bull fell back and on top of him...I've had a hard time watching the bull riding. My stomach gets a little sick feeling everytime it starts. I love those cowboys, but they are crazy little boogers.
  • JP laughs at me every time, but for the last event of the rodeo, they let the buckin' broncs run free around the arena. They are absolutely beautiful creatures and I get totally choked up with tears every time. God made some pretty awesome things...
So, here's to one more week of the rodeo. I'll actually be heading back out there three more times before it ends. I love it...I love the footlong corndogs (I've only had one, I promise)...I love funnel cakes (you'd be proud, I've only had a little of one of those little pieces of heaven)...and I love that JP gave me the best Christmas present I could have ever wanted (love you, babe)!

Video...Take 2

Don't know what's happening with the video, so here's another try.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

This is a test...

Can you recognize anyone here? Listen to the announcer. If you can't figure it out, the answer with more pictures and stories will follow tomorrow.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Theology 101

Trace has been asking questions for years about who made this and who created that, and one day after a very long line of questioning, he stopped...then said, "But, who made God?"

I was very impressed with this question and realized that my answer sounded more fairy tale-ish than I thought it might. It turned into a pretty interesting conversation with me and JP about how to try and explain. Trace has not let the question go and I feel like my response is getting better (not that it has changed, but maybe more clear).

My latest response, "Well, we don't really know how he got here, he just always has been. Daddy and I believe in the Bible and it says he has always been. It's called faith."

He actually asked again tonight and said, "So, God is the only one who hasn't died? (pause) That's pretty cool."

God has blessed my little guy with a very inquisitve heart. I pray that he blesses Trace with understanding, compassion and acceptance of others and their beliefs (in spite of my attempts to bear witness) so that one day Trace can answer these questions from his own heart and mind.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Proof is in the Picasa collage

Thanks to my BFF (aka a Gurley Gurl...check her out) - I am going to try and figure out Picasa and photo collages for the blog. Here are the pictures from the race this weekend. I think I'd like to play with this more...I'll have to actually get Allena to find time for me and show me some tricks (yes, that was a jab to see if I can get her attention, love you!)

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Gimme a "K"...or 5

I love to glance at my favorite blogs daily (and yes, maybe even multiple times a day if I'm not super interested in what I'm working on, but who doesn't right)...but I can't seem to keep up with my own. So, here's to trying to blog at least once a week. I need to keep you all posted on our happenings and this weekend was one that shouldn't disappoint.

Trace's school had their annual 5k/1k fun run this weekend. I was signed up to run it with my friend Amanda and I had Trace and Elizabeth signed up to run the 1k. Frizz backed out last minute, but Trace and I were pumped and ready to go...

Here were our (ok, my) goals:

1-Finish the 5k WITHOUT walking. I've done two other 5k's and had to walk a little in both. I wanted to finish this one running.

2-Have Trace finish his 1k WITHOUT walking. I really wouldn't have cared if he walked, but I was excited to see what his little body could do. At the risk of sounding like a crazy mom (which I know I am)...I'll be honest and tell you that I did take him out and we ran the course a week before just so he could see what it was like.

Here were our results:

1-I ran the WHOLE thing. I finished in 32 minutes flat - right over a 10 minute mile. I got 3rd in my female age bracket and got a medal which earned me major cool points with my kids. (Side note: I still have 2 years in this bracket until I bump up, I'm going to hold on tightly.)

2-Trace ran the WHOLE 1k. There were about 50 kids that took off in a full on sprint when they said "GO!". They didn't last that long at that pace, but when they came back around the corner, Trace was still up front. We learned that I am in fact a crazy mom, because I think I ended up running around the entire course telling him he could do it. I think he'll be mortified if I continue this type of behavior as he grows up. He never stopped and ended up coming in 4th. He was pooped, but enjoyed it. He's my little competitor which was evidenced by his very obvious disappointment that he didn't get any sort of medal. They gave medals to kiddos that ran in the 5k, so he says he wants to do that next year. I'll have to decide if 3.2 miles for a 7 year old is a good choice, but we'll wait to worry until next year.

Overall, a really fun morning. The thing is, I always get emotional at the finish line when I myself cross or I see others. I am really trying to lead a healthier more active lifestyle, and I am so proud of any person who CHOOSES to go and do something like this. There are always people there who are achieving a goal to finish one or beat their time or whatever it might be...either way, congratulations to all the Negley Navigator runners and here's to this 3rd place 30-34 year old female and my precious boy! Go us!

And, we do have proof that this event actually took place and that we participated. I am going to learn how to collage pictures and post them this week (which might actually prove harder than running the 3.2 miles).