Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I just might be TEAM JACOB

I am tired today because I joined my sister and about 20 of her friends that decided they could not miss the midnight debut of the Twighlight series Eclipse movie last night. We met up in our homemade warring Team Edward and Team Jacob t-shirts (hey, if you are going to geek-out why not go all out, right) and ate dinner for a few hours and then headed to the growing line at about 9PM. Luckily, we got great seats and enjoyed the gigantic popcorns and diet coke until 12:02AM when the fun began.

Let me tell you, it has been a while since I have read the books, but it was nice to have the movie remind me of the love torn Bella. Jacob was in absolute rare, beautiful form. The audience cheered pretty much everytime he showed up without a shirt. He stole the movie for me and even though I know Bella picks Edward, I just can't help but love having Jacob in the picture (for my own personal, selfish reasons, having nothing to do of course with the fact that he is freakishly handsome).

So - if you haven't made it yet, go and enjoy. The acting isn't great and the special effects don't mean much to me...but it is an A+ for me, a girl who loves to just live in a pretend world for a few hours. See for yourself if you don't have doubts about being Team Edward after this one...

1 comment:

Allena said...

That's blasphemous! ;)