This is what Trace asks me today as he's walking around the house nearly crying searching everywhere for "his" Elf. Yes, his Elf on the Shelf that didn't get the message that it was time to come to our house and start watching him to report back to Santa. Isn't there some parent or elf code that we all should know about so my child doesn't cry and think he's been forgotten?
If you don't know what I am talking about, you must not have an Elf on the Shelf...I recommend you go to any Target and find one...or better yet, if you do have one, go to any Target, and try to explain to your child why there are boxes and boxes of them at a STORE.
Hmmm...well, I sure hope that Trace's Elf makes it to our house tomorrow...code for...JP get up and go hide that darn thing...AND make it cute, because Trace's cousin's elf was in the fridge and made her milk turn green...oh my...'tis the freakin' season!